Software: MonkeyLogic

MonkeyLogic is a MATLAB toolbox for the design and control of psychophysical tasks with high temporal precision. It allows for the flexible construction of sensory, motor, or cognitive tasks based upon the interaction of a subject with visual stimuli through the use of eye-position, joystick, button, lever, and/or keyboard input. MonkeyLogic was originally created by Wael Assad and was then developed and maintained by a collaboration between the labs of Wael Asaad (Brown) and David Freedman (University of Chicago).

The latest version of the software (NIMH MonkeyLogic) is currently being developed and maintained by Jaewon Hwang at the Laboratory of Neuropsychology at the NIMH in collaboration with the laboratory of Wael Asaad at Brown University, Edward Ryklin (Ryklin Software), and the contributions of many users. Most users of the original MonkeyLogic version are migrating to the NIMH version, and the original legacy version is no longer being actively developed. The webpage and documentation for the legacy version of MonkeyLogic can be found here

If you use our software in your published research, please reference one of the papers describing it, as this will allow us to more easily continue funding ongoing support and development.

For more information and to obtain the software, please visit the NIMH Monkeylogic Website and the MonkeyLogic Forum.